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Booking Number:

Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the game you like
Step 3: make a choice about racer
You can choose a racer or racers you believe will win (from 1 to 5)
You can choose a racer's place 1, 2, 3
Or you can do both using forecast in the left table
Step 4: choose a bet amount under the left table with racer’s names
You can change a bet amount for each racer in general table
Step 5: press START RACE under the right table
Step 6: watch the race and get results it will take less than a minute
You can skip the video of race and get results
Step 7: press the REBET if you want to repeat the race and press REBETx2 to make your double bet
You can change racers and bets in the general table in the right
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the Greyhound Streak
Step 3: choose a racer you like
Each game is generated uniquely per player
You can choose a racer or racers you believe will win (from 1 to 6)
You can choose a racer's place 1, 2, 3 (from 1 to 6)
Or you can do both using forecast
Step 4: make a bet
USE a button MORE to make more bets
choose a bet amount in the right table BET SLIP
• To change DEFAULT STAKE click on the bet slip itself and ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Step 5: start the race
press the START RACE in the right
Step 6: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than a minute
• You can skip the video and get results, press GO TO OUTCOME
• Skipping doesn’t effect on results
Step 7: go on
press the REBET if you want to repeat the match
press the REBETx2 to make your double bet
press the NEXT RACE
• You can change racers and bets before start
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the HORSES STREAK
Step 3: choose a racer you like
You can choose a racer or racers you believe will win (from 1 to 8)
You can choose a racer's place 1, 2, 3 (from 1 to 8)
Or you can do both using forecast in the left table
Step 4: make a bet
USE a button MORE to make more bets
choose a bet amount in the right table BET SLIP
• To change DEFAULT STAKE click on the bet slip itself and ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Step 5: start the race
press the START RACE in the right
Step 6: get results
watch the race and get results it will take less than a minute
• You can skip the video of race and get results, press GO TO OUTCOME
Step 7: go on
Wait some seconds for a new bet!
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the INSTANT VELODROME
Step 3: choose a racer you like
You can choose a racer or racers you believe will win (from 1 to 8)
You can choose a racer's place 1, 2, 3
Or you can do both using forecast in the left table
Step 4: make a bet
choose a BET AMOUNT under the left table with racer’s names and odds
• to change a stake click on the bet slip itselfand ending the amount manually
Step 5: start the race
press the START RACE in the right
Step 6: get results
watch the race and get results it will take less than a minute
• You can SKIP the video of race and get results
• Skipping doesn’t effect on results
Step 7: go on
press the REBET if you want to repeat the race and press the REBETx2 to make your double bet
• You can change racers and bets in the general table in the rightbefore start
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the INSTANT SPEEDWAY
Step 3: choose a racer you like
You can choose a racer or racers you believe will win (from 1 to 4)
You can choose a racer's place 1, 2, 3
Or you can do both using forecast in the left table
Step 4: make a bet
choose a BET AMOUNT under the left table with racer’s names and odds for every racer
• To change a stake click on the bet slip itselfand ending the amount manually
Step 5: start the race
press the START RACE in the right
Step 6: get results
watch the race and get results it will take less than a minute
• You can SKIP the video of race and get results
• Skipping doesn’t effect on results
Step 7: go on
press the REBET if you want to repeat the race and press the REBETx2 to make your double bet
• You can change racers and bets in the general table in the left
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 2: choose the EuroLeague
Step 3: select a team
Each game is generated uniquely per player
Use the Next and Previous buttons to select teams you like
The main screen shows all the details and betting options. The stats bar is located at the top of the screen, shows both teams’ information.
Step 4: make a bet
Click any selection in the table it will appear into the bet slip in the right
• To change DEFAULT STAKE click on the bet slip itselfand ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Step 5: start the match
press SUBMIT & START under the right table to start
Step 6: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• You can skip the video to quarter SKIP QUARTERor the end GO TO OUTCOME and get results
• Skipping doesn’t effect on results
Step 7: go on
press the REBET if you want to repeat the matchpress the REBETx2 to make your double bet
press the NEXT MATCH
• You can change teams and bets before start
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page Instant Virtuals
Step 3: select a team
Each game is generated uniquely per player
Use the Next and Previous buttons to select teams you like
The main screen shows all the details and betting options. The stats bar is located at the top of the screen, shows both teams’ information.
Step 4: make a bet
Click any selection in the left table it will appear into the bet slip in the right
• To change DEFAULT STAKE click on the bet slip itselfand ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Step 5: start the match
press SUBMIT & START under the right table to start
Step 6: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• You can skip the video to halftime or the endand get results
• Skipping doesn’t effect on results
Step 7: go on
press the REBET if you want to repeat the matchpress the REBETx2 to make your double bet
press the NEXT MATCH
• You can change teams and bets before start
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the VIRTUAL GOLF
VIRTUAL GOLF is an application where virtual golf playersare playing constantly 24 / 7
Step 3: Choose a player you like
select a player in the top of the screen
Step 4: make a bet
You can place bets at the end of each game, at the end of each shot, and when holes are concluded.
The countdown to the next match / shot is presented above the betting options.
Select a bet by clicking on the odds, in opens in the Bet Slip
• To change DEFAULT STAKE and improve your bet click on the bet slip itself and ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Press "submit bet" to make set your bet
• All your bets on games which are not played yet are in the My 24h bets (visualization)
Step 5: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• crash of uploading a gamefor any reason will void bets for that game and return any stakes
Step 6: go on
you can make a new bet or choose a new player
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the FOOTBALL CUP
Football CUP is an application where virtual football matches are played constantly 24 / 7
Step 3: Choose a pair of teams you like
select a pair in the top of the screen
Step 4: make a bet
You can place bets before the game, while the Half-Time break, and between the games.
The countdown to the next match is presented above the betting options.
Select a bet by clicking on the odds, in opens in the Bet slip
Press "submit bet" to make set your bet
Step 5: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• crash of uploading a gamefor any reason will void bets for that game and return any stakes
Step 6: go on
you can make a new bet or choose a new pair
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
VIRTUAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE is an application where virtual football matches are played constantly 24 / 7
Step 3: Choose a pair of teams you like
select a pair in the top of the screen
Step 4: make a bet
You can place bets before the game, while the Half-Time break, and between the games.
The countdown to the next match is presented above the betting options.
Click any selection in the left table it will appear into the bet slip in the right
* To change STAKE amount click on the bet slip itselfand ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Step 5: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• crash of uploading a gamefor any reason will void bets for that game and return any stakes
Step 6: go on
you can make a new bet or choose a new pair
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the FOOTBALL PENALTY DUEL
Football Penalty Duel is an application where virtual football penalty shootout matches are played constantly 24 / 7
Step 3: select a pair of teams you like
Choose a pair in the top of the screen
Step 4: make a bet
You can place bets before the game, while the penalties are being kicked, and between the penalties.
The countdown to the next matchday is presented above the betting options.
select a bet by clicking on the odds, in opens a pop-up where you can pick the stake on which you want to bet
Press "submit bet" to make set your bet
Step 5: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• crash of uploading a gamefor any reason will void bets for that game and return any stakes
Step 6: go on
you can make a new bet or choose a new pair
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the FOOTBALL CUP WORLD
Football CUP is an application where virtual football matches are played constantly 24 / 7
Step 3: Choose a pair of teams you like
select a pair in the top of the screen
Step 4: make a bet
You can place bets before the game, while the Half-Time break, and between the games.
The countdown to the next match is presented above the betting options.
Select a bet by clicking on the odds, in opens in the Bet Slip
• To change DEFAULT STAKE and improve your bet click on the bet slip itself and ending the amount manually or choose one of the automatic amounts
Press "submit bet" to make set your bet
Step 5: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than three minutes
• crash of uploading a gamefor any reason will void bets for that game and return any stakes
Step 6: go on
you can make a new bet or choose a new pair
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the VIRTUAL SPORT
Step 3: choose the Football League / Cup
Make a choice from the bar on the top
Step 4: Choose a pair of teams you like
select a pair of teams
• You can make a bet on each pair
Step 5: make a bet
The countdown to the next match and next bets is presented above the betting options.
Select a bet by clicking on the odds, in opens in the Bet slip
Fill the«stake per line»to make set your bet
Step 6: get results
watch the match and get results, it will take less than a few minutes
All your bets that need to be confirmed are in theBetslip
All your previous bets and results are in the My bets
Step 7: go on
you can make a new bets
if you need more information go to the info (visualization where it is)
Step 1: go to page SCHEDULED Virtuals
Step 2: choose the VIRTUAL SPORT
Step 3: choose the Tennis
Make a choice from the bar on the top
Step 4: Choose a pair you like
select a pair
• You can make a bet on each pair
Step 5: make a bet
The countdown for making bets is presented above the broadcast.
Select a bet by clicking on the odds under the broadcast, it will be opened in the Bet slip
to confirm your bet fill the «stake per line» and press the button Place bet
Step 6: get results
watch the broadcast and get results, it will take less than a few minutes
All your bets that need to be confirmed are in theBetslip
All your previous bets and results are in the My bets
Step 7: go on
make a new bet
Lucky X is the game of betting on numbers in which player can bet on the outcome of computer-generated number draws, via a set of different bet options. The outcome of each separate game is a statistically independent, random and unpredictable number generated by the random number generator (RNG). There are 50 balls in a drum, of which 36 are drawn in each round. Numbers are divided in 5 groups and each group contains 10 numbers. Each group is marked by a specified color as follows:
BLUE (numbers 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47)
GREEN (numbers 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48)
PURPLE (numbers 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50)
RED (numbers 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46)
YELLOW (numbers 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49)
All bets are placed only for next draw/draws and not for the draw that is currently active. Bets can be placed on the upcoming draw up to 5 seconds before the round starts.
Bets can be placed on numbers by choosing one number or several numbers manually or randomly (1-10 numbers). There is an additional option of choosing a full color line with 10 Numbers.
Bets can be placed on a number manually or randomly (Random 1 option), and the bet will win if that number is drawn within the first 6 balls of the draw.
This bet type is different in the range of numbers that are chosen to be played on. It depends on the number of balls that are chosen to be predicted. The odds for this bet type also depend on when the selected numbers were drawn in the draw.
Bet type 1
If a player chooses only 1 number out of 50, he plays Bet type 1. This type of bet is valid for the first 9 drawn numbers. If the player play this type of bet and hit one of drawn numbers, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 9 numbers are drawn, Bet type 1 is finished and the following numbers (from the 10th to 36th) do not apply for this type of bet.
Bet type 2
If a player chooses only 2 numbers out of 50, he plays Bet type 2. This type of bet is valid for the first 18 numbers in a sequence of the drawn numbers. If a player plays this type of bet, and both of his numbers are drawn, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 18 numbers are drawn, Bet type 2 is finished and the following numbers (from19th to 36th) do not apply for this type of bet.
Bet type 3
If a player chooses only 3 numbers out of 50, he plays Bet type 3. This type of bet is valid for the first 25 drawn numbers. If a player plays this type of bet and hits three of drawn numbers, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 25 numbers are drawn, Bet type 3 is finished and the following numbers (from 26th to 36th) do not apply for this type of bet.
Bet type 4
If a player chooses only 4 numbers out of 50, he plays Bet type 4. This type of bet is valid for the first 31 drawn numbers. If a player plays this type of bet and hits four of drawn numbers, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 31 numbers are drawn, Bet type 4 is finished and the following numbers (from 32nd to 36th) do not apply for this type of bet!
Bet type 5
If a player chooses only 5 numbers out of 50, he plays Bet type 5. This type of bet is valid for the first 34 drawn numbers. If a player plays this type of bet and hits five of drawn numbers, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 34 numbers are drawn, Bet type 5 is finished and the following numbers (from 35th to 36th) do not apply for this type of bet.
Bet type 6/7/8/9/10
For all those types of bets the same rules are valid. If a player chooses 6 to 10 numbers out of 50, he plays a corresponding bet type. This type of bet is valid for all 36 numbers in a row. If a player plays this bet type and all of his chosen numbers are drawn, his winnings are determined according to the payments table. Once 36 numbers are drawn, Bet type 6/7/8/9/10 is finished.
In addition to predicting the numbers in an “all or nothing” model, bets can be placed through a system model, where only a part of the numbers need to be predicted successfully.
Depending on the number of the selection, different options can be chosen from. For example, for a 3-numbers selection there will be an option to choose 1 out of 3, or 2 out of 3 and the bet will win if one of the chosen numbersis among the 3 numbers drawn.
The sum of first 6 numbers over/under 153
In this game, a bet can be placed on the sum of first 6 balls - if the sum is bigger or smaller than 153 (if the sum is exactly 153 the player is refunded with their stake, i.e. the odds are 1).The odds for over or under game are fixed 1.9 (also depending on the payout).
The color of first ball
In this game a bet can be placed on the color of the first drawn ball (there are 5 colors offered in total);The odds for this game would be 2 * Stake.
First ball even/odd
In this game, a bet can be placed on the value of first drawn ball and whether it would be even or odd;The odds for both even or odd game are fixed at 1.9 (also depending on the payout).
First ball over/under 25.5
In this game a bet can be placed on the value of the first drawn ball and if it would be over or under 25.5;The odds for both over or under game are fixed at 1.9 (also depending on the payout).
1. Each time the game is launched, the Player is joining to current Round where Numbers are drawn by default and fall into Numbers zone, one by one.
2. Player can switch between “Number betting”/“Special betting” games anytime and choose Number/Numbers/Other bet options to bet on.
3. Bet placing mechanism:
a) After the Player picks any bet type from Number bets or Special bets he needs to press on “Add bet“ button which adds the bet to the Betslip.
b) When chosen bets are added to Betslip,the Player is allowed to change each bet separately:
Delete the bet by pressing the “X“ button
Change the amount of the stake by selecting the ”Stake” field and inputting the new amount.
c) The Player is allowed to work with all bets in the Betslip:
Change the Stake amount for all bets by inputting total Stake in the “Stake Total“ field.
Repeat all bets from the active Betslip during next Rounds by choosing the amount of Rounds at “Amount of Rounds“ (up to 10 repeats). If the Player will run out of money during the bet repeating, the repetition will stop.
Submit Betslip with list of bets and inputed amounts of Stake.See expected return on all bets in the ticket. The expected returns are calculated according to bet coefficients.
d) As soon as the Player submits his bet by pressing on the “Place bet“ button, the bet will become visible in “Open bets“;
e) If the Player presses the “Place bet“ button, he approves all bets with stakes from the active Betslip. After this, Player’s bets are accepted and become visible in “Open bets”.
4. The Player cannot pick more than 10 Numbers for the Number Betting game.
5. All bets are placed on the next round to come, not less than 5 seconds before it starts.
This quick tutorial will explain to you how to make a bet on 'Lucky Balls'
Chosen Ticket Combination
Step 1 Here you can choose your numbers. Choose 6 to 10 numbers.
Step 2 You can choose bets like even/odd, top color etc. clicking on buttons and/or colors of a bets.
Step 3 Choose amount of a bet: minimal, maximal, three presented values or enter custom amount.
Step 4 Choose a number of game rounds.
Step 5 By clicking on 'Buy ticket' your bet will be accepted.
Step 6 Drawn numbers and winning bets will be marked on ticket with different colors. Header of a winning tickets will be marked green.
Step 7 Various statistics can help you to make your winning combination.
Welcome to Next! Play any time in the draw of 35 from 48 numbers.
Step 1 - Select up to 3 numbers for 'Following 6' bet and up to 2 numbers for 'Next Ball' bet.
Step 2 - Guess the color of the next ball or play with the even/odd balls.
Step 3 - After selecting the bet, enter the stake amount and click on the 'Submit' button.
Step 4 - Automating option allows to repeat your bet chosen amount of times.
Step 5 - Place bets before the next ball is drawn. Good luck!